Transform your relationship with your pain by bringing peace to your body, mind, emotions and spirit.
Welcome to Making Peace with Pain
This is a course for people living with chronic pain and illness, who are ready to find relief from their pain through relieving the war with their bodies.
It's a different way to think about and manage pain, one that's within your control and takes a wholistic approach to why you're body hurts and how to help it stop hurting.
It's a different way to think about and manage pain, one that's within your control and takes a wholistic approach to why you're body hurts and how to help it stop hurting.
I'm looking for beta testers for my new 6 month program.
If you're living with a chronic pain condition and might be interested in being in a pilot of my new 6 month program, I'd love to hear from you.
I'm hoping to start the beta pilot in Aug/Sept 2018, so apply now to make sure you don't miss the deadline.
I'm hoping to start the beta pilot in Aug/Sept 2018, so apply now to make sure you don't miss the deadline.
In Making Peace with Pain, you will:
- Recognise and address the triggers for your pain and illness
- Develop a relaxation practice, creating peace within the body, which aids the body's natural healing and repair
- Make connections between your life events, life choices and your chronic pain or illness, and what you can do to change these outcomes
- Gain the tools to make decisions in life that create happiness and health in the long term
- Develop a meditation practice to promote ongoing peace between you and your body
- Develop a love-based approach to yourself, your body and your pain, which primes the body for healing
- Find a greater peace within yourself, to better accept and nurture your body and your pain
- Create a life you love living using life coaching tools such as thought work, visioning and finding your calling or purpose in life.
- Relief from, or reduction of, pain is a common experience of people undergoing this process
About Naomi
Chronic pain and illness take as many forms as the individuals who experience them. This program, in no way, acts as a replacement for formal medical care. It is designed to work in conjunction with your current health and pain management program. Guarantees of pain reduction and healing can not be made but, in the work of this coaching business, these exercises and activities have proven effective in aiding symptom relief and illness reduction.
Chronic pain and illness take as many forms as the individuals who experience them. This program, in no way, acts as a replacement for formal medical care. It is designed to work in conjunction with your current health and pain management program. Guarantees of pain reduction and healing can not be made but, in the work of this coaching business, these exercises and activities have proven effective in aiding symptom relief and illness reduction.